Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays!

I suppose I'll try to make this short.

Happy holidays, to everyone that reads this, and their families.
It's currently 4:17 AM on Christmas morning. You see, I have a habit of waking up between 2 and 4 AM on christmas morning, because my Dad always used to wake us (me and my brother, and my mom) up really early. He said he could come into our rooms, say "Hey, Wake up, Santa came" and we were like lightening.
Good times.. :)
I guess I'll do that tag thats going around on YouTube here, and give a little update for you.


1. Favorite holiday destination?
A. Home, and my grandma's house, who lives right next door :)
2. Any family traditions?
A. Alot, actually.. Usually my aunt, uncle and cousin come to my grandma's house (the one mentioned above,) on Christmas Eve, and we open her presents to us, and give them ours. Then, right after that, we'll usually hop in the car, drive to my OTHER grandma's house and get presents, and give presents, and spend time with her, too. We do it that way, because we don't really want to go anywhere on Christmas day, and they would like to spend time at their homes for Christmas. (My aunt, uncle and cousin live about 250-300 miles away). But, this year my aunt had to work, so I think they're coming tomorrow... Not sure.

And then, on Christmas morning, (I) we usually wake up early (like... now) Mom and Dad will get the ham in the oven, and we will gather around the tree, open our stockings, open up presents, pass out hugs, and just enjoy time with each other. And later on today (In about 5 or 6 hours from now... STILL 4:27 AM), we'll head to my grandma's house and open the presents from her, give her our presents, pass out hugs (again) and eat her ham. I personally don't eat ham. So I'll probably have Creamy Chicken Ramen today or something... >=D

3. Favorite ornament of decoration?
A. I love what I used to do with my room, but I don't think I've done it for the past few years. I used to have alot of strands of out door lights, and hang them around furniture in my room, turn them on for a little while at night, shut them off before bed, etc etc. I don't think I've done it in a long time... There are some bulbs missing from the strands. I suppose I'll have to buy new ones on After-Christmas clearance.

4. What are you doing for the holidays?
A. Explained above =D
5.Are you a late or early christmas shopper?
A. Usually pretty late. It depends on when my dad gives me and my brother money. No, I'm not a spoiled kid, but I'm a 13 year old girl, who (obviously) doesn't have a job, but DOES have alot of people to shop for.

6. Who usually cooks holiday dinners?
A. Mom and dad... But i bake the cookies ;D

7. Have you ever gone christmas caroling?
A. Nope... too cold D;

8. Do you live where it snows?
A. I suppose you could say I live right out side of Chicago, and it used to snow ALOT, but for the past few years, we haven't had a white Christmas. More of a "It's getting warm already, so there's slush on the ground" Christmas.

9. One thing that makes you happiest at christmas?
A. Being with alot of family. As I mentioned before, my aunt and her family live very far away, and I rarely see them throughout the year. I think they came (possibly less) 3 times this year. If they did come 3 times, it was in the summer.

10. What do you want most for christmas?
I suppose I'll put the cheesy answer like everyone else when I say this. I want to be with family; I want today to be as good as it can, and be the Christmas every body hopes for. I know that kind of sounds selfish, but Christmas to me isn't about who you spend more money on, and whom you spent less on. It's spending time together.
Present-wise, I want a camera (so I can end my "I have a crappy camera, and never upload" excuse), and I wanted some MAC gift sets, but I don't think I'm getting any.

Thank you all for spending Christmas day, or a day in Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, or whichever day you're reading this, reading my blog. I truly hope everyone has a happy, healthy, and safe Christmas day.

As Bing Crosby says; "May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmases be white."

I love you all, more videos coming soon, and Happy Holidays.

Lots of love to you and your families. From my blog-- I mean my heart to yours.

I hope you get everything you wanted from Santa this year.

I hope you had a good 2009 and are prepared for 2010! My brother thinks we're just getting a year closer to the apocalypse... But, try not to think about the world blowing up today!

I'm going to go snoop under the tree for big presents and gift tags ;D

Have a merry, merry, MERRY, Christmas.
